Wie viel Kautabak steckt in einer Dose?

Different sized cans of chewing tobacco can contain a varying number of chewing tobacco pouches. How much chewing tobacco is in a can and how does it compare to loose chewing tobacco? We clarify what conditions the amount of content depends on and how you can find the perfect size for your needs.   

How many chewing tobacco pouches are in a can of portioned chewing tobacco?  

On the websites of the dealers you can see that most chewing tobacco cans contain 20 to 24 pouches. This is due to a change in the law in Sweden from July 2019, which stipulated that chewing tobacco cans must contain at least 20 pouches. Before the change in the law, there were different amounts of pouches depending on the chewing tobacco type, usually the number fluctuated between 16 and 24. 

Even the size of the can usually follows the standard measure of 70 mm in diameter. Only the height of the can can be adjusted depending on the pouch size. However, most cans have a height of 24mm and follow the standard.  

What sizes are there for the pouches?  

Portioned chewing tobacco was first introduced in the 1970s and has been very popular ever since. The compact pouches have the advantage that you don't have to shape the chewing tobacco with your fingers first and it is ready for consumption immediately. In addition, the pouches are also easier to transport. 

The pouches are now available in different sizes, which one is best for you depends on your personal preferences. The pouches are divided as follows: 

  • Normal / large pouches contain 0.9 to 1.1 g of chewing tobacco  
  • Slim pouches contain 0.8 to 0.9 g of chewing tobacco  
  • Super Slim pouches contain 0.5 to 0.6 g of chewing tobacco  
  • Mini pouches contain 0.3 to 0.5 g of chewing tobacco 

How much chewing tobacco is actually in a pouch depends on the manufacturer. More chewing tobacco does not necessarily mean that the effect is stronger. If you want to learn more about the chewing tobacco strength, you should read the information on the can. 

Even cans with slim or mini pouches contain the same number of portions. The can is a little flatter and can therefore be transported more easily.  

How much chewing tobacco is in a can of loose chewing tobacco? 

With loose chewing tobacco, chewing tobacco users first have to shape the portion with their thumb and forefinger so that they can put it under their upper lip. If you look at the weight of the chewing tobacco contained in a can, you will notice that loose chewing tobacco contains more than the portioned variant. 

With portioned chewing tobacco with 20 pouches, you get a weight of about 20g of chewing tobacco, loose chewing tobacco, however, contains over 40g of chewing tobacco. The portions that you eventually get from the loose chewing tobacco are similar to those of the portioned chewing tobacco. This is due to the chewing tobacco application.  

Loose chewing tobacco can hardly be shaped into portions weighing 1g and therefore often turn out larger. Ultimately, however, you end up with the same number of portions, only the amount differs. For beginners, we recommend the chewing tobacco pouches so that not too much chewing tobacco is consumed at once.  

Chewing tobacco content divided by brand 

We have listed some of the most popular brands and their pouch content for you. These include:


Most chewing tobacco cans contain 16 to 20 pouches, and loose chewing tobacco will generally yield a similar number of portions. The pouch sizes range from mini to large, and which one is best for you is something you should determine for yourself. The strength of chewing tobacco does not depend on the pouch size but on various factors, such as the nicotine content, pH level, and moisture.